Follow Alongwhy do i have cockroaches in my house?
There could be a few reasons why you have cockroaches in your house. One reason could be that there is a food source that is attracting them. Another reason could be that there is a moisture problem in your house that is attracting them. One way to help get rid of...
Distemper spike in raccoons could put dogs in danger
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — A warning for dog owners. A Port St. Lucie veterinarian says he’s seeing a concerning rise in distemper cases in raccoons, which can spread easily to dogs if they’re not vaccinated. In his 16 years of caring for Port St. Lucie pets and those...
Beware At Your Attic These intruders can chew through wires, eat drywall, tear insulation and leave droppings behind. Birds like pigeons, sparrows, and starlings can wreak havoc in your home. HOW WILDLIFE CONTROL WORKS1) First, we’ll examine your home thoroughly,...
What about the cockroaches?
Cockroaches are accomplished hitchhikers. In fact, German cockroaches usually first get into buildings by riding in boxes. in furniture and in other items brought into the building. Most other cockroach species invade from the outside or from sewers or drains. Most...
Lo que puedes hacer si descubres que tienes chinches de cama. 7 pasos
Inspeccione todas las áreas de su cama con mucho cuidado y a fondo. Si encuentra la infestación temprano, la mayoría estará en la cabecera, el colchón y la base de la cama.Con una luz brillante (y una lupa si tiene una) es más fácil ver las chinches.Utilice la luz de...
If you have bedbugs you must do these 7 steps
What you can do if you discover that you have Bed Bugs Inspect all areas of your bed very carefully and thoroughly.• If you find the infestation early, most will be at the head, mattress, and base of the bed.• With a bright light (and a magnifying glass if you have...